The MOSSOM™ Process is the procedure we use to help our clients identify, quantify, optimize, and strategize the best possible track to achieve their dreams. Find Out More!


Who We Serve

Texas Educators 
An educator is preparing the next generation to take our place. This giver-focused career can overwhelm and cause a lack of self attention to one’s own financial future.

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Clergy are in a unique tax status; they are considered an employee of a church but in other ways, self-employed. Their retirement savings and distribution rules differ… 

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Business Owners
According to US Government records, over 99 percent of America’s 28.7 million firms are small businesses. The vast majority (88 percent) of employer firms have fewer than…
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If you are one of the over 150 million people employed in the USA, you have some things that you should prepare for. Most businesses no longer provide pension plans for their…
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